My name is Chayan Deb. I'm a student of Electronics Engineering and part time Developer building cool stuff.

About me

I'm a B.Tech Electronics and Electrical Engineering student at IIT Palakkad, Kerala pursuing my dreams in the field of Engineering and Technology. I'm interested in the fields of IoT, Machine Learning and Computer Vision, Microprocessors, Robotics, Communication Engineering and a little bit of Penetration Testing. I love to learn and implement new things and solve problems which seem to be hard (Because, the harder it gets, the greater is the joy of solving that problem).

I believe anything can be overcome through commitment and hard work. Always up for learning and implementing new things and solving the most formidable problems.

Technical Skills

  • Assembly Programming for ARM-based Processors.
  • Digital System Design in Verilog HDL.
  • Arduino Programming (Software and Firmware) in Assembly and C.
  • Machine Learning using Tensorflow and Keras.
  • Computer Vision using OpenCV.
  • Python3 Programming.
  • C and C++ for Competitive Programming.
  • Frontend Web-Dev with HTML, CSS and Javascript.
  • Backend Web-Dev with Django-Python and Express-NodeJS.
  • Exploitation of Smart Devices and Networks (Cybersecurity).
  • Source/Version Control using Git.
  • App Developement (Android + iOS) using Flutter and Dart.
  • Basic Game Developement.
  • Javascript Programming for NodeJS and Web Developement.
  • MATLAB Programming.


These are some of my Achievements in my Student Life:

  • Qualified for the Semifinals of Swadeshi Microprocessor Challange (Top 100 teams, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology - Govt. Of India, 2021).
  • Qualified for the Final Rounds of HCL Hack IITK Cybersecurity Hackathon (Top 109 teams, IIT Kanpur, 2020).
  • Secured 1st position in Tech-Day ML competition among the 2nd-Year Batch Students (IIT Palakkad, 2020).
  • Qualified in the 1st round in eYRC (E-Yantra Robotics Compettion, IIT Bombay, 2019).
  • Participated and Qualified in Texas Instruments Design Challenge (2018).
  • Secured 5th position in State Board (TBSE) H.S. (+2) Examination.
  • State level Chemistry Olympiad 1st Place Holder in 2018.
  • State level Chemistry Olympiad 6th Place Holder in 2017.
  • NTSE (National Talent Search Examination) Stage-I Qualified (2016).
  • State level Chemistry Olympiad 1st Place Holder in 2016.
  • Secured 2nd position in State level inter-school quiz competition in 2017.
  • Member of The Robotics Club and Data Analysis Club At IIT Palakkad.


  • B.Tech Electronics and Electrical Engineering
    Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad
    (July. 2018 - April. 2022)

  • Higher Secondary (+2 Stage)
    Netaji Subhas Vidyaniketan
    (April. 2016 - April. 2018)

  • Secondary Examination (Madhyamik)
    Netaji Subhas Vidyaniketan
    (Jan. 2011 - April. 2016)

Latest projects

This is a project for a Microprocessor based Research and Development Project from Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India.

This project was launched by MeritY Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. Of India for providing further impetus to the strong ecosystem of start-ups, innovators & researchers in India. Our group IIT Palakkad Embedded Systems Group has qualified for the semifinals stage and are currently developing the POC for the challange using the Swadeshi RISC-V based Shakti 64-bit C-Class VAJRA Microprocessor developed by the RISE Group from IIT Madras. Stay tuned for any updates regarding the challenge on my social media.

This project was a Web Development project for my college's Techno-Cultural Fest Petrichor.

This project was done by me during my 5th semester for my college's Annual Techno-Cultural Fest Petrichor - IIT Palakkad 2021. I had designed the Backend and Deployment of the project using NodeJS and MongoDB. I had also designed the details of the Backend structure of the CA-Portal of the server and the Email-Verification of the users of the server.

This project was my first attempt at building a real-life solution based on Optical Character Recognition.

This project was done by me during my 4th semester for a deeper understanding of OCR Techniques and Text Recognition
in Images. This project aimed at building a simple ML based OCR algorithm to convert tabular text in Images into CSV data that can be viewed using a
spreadsheet viewer like Microsoft Excel.

This is an ML project where I tried to build a Facial Recognition System simialr to Apple's FaceID.

This project was done by me during my 4th semester for a deeper understanding of Transfer Learning and ConvNets
This is a Face Recognition project done using the Tensorflow and Keras frameworks. Given some images of known people, a facenet model derives
the unique 128 cell feature vector for that face and we measure the Euclidean distance between the faces to predict the similarity between two faces.

This is a small personal project in which I configured a Programmable Arduino to be used as a Programmable Keyboard.

This project was done by me during my 4th semester to just for fun and curiosity about the Hacking Pen-Drives shown in movies which can give a Hacker access to the data-center when they plug it in.
I've tried to build something like that by Reconfiguring the Communication Firmware on the Arduino Board and make it's output seem like it is coming from an Actual Keyboard.
I then programmed the Arduino Board to send out Key Press signals to the connected computer and created and compiled a "Hello World" program in C and ran it in the new WSL Terminal that I got recently.

This is a Machine Learning based Satellite Image Mapper made for ISRO's SIH-2020 (Smart India Hackathon) Problem Statement NM-371.

This project was done by me (Solo Developement) during my 4th semester for qualifying in the SIH-2020 Grand Finals in the Software Problems category.
This project aimed at building a Machine Learning based model to map each and every pixel in the 5m-resolution multispectral Satellite Image to the specified number of categories.
In this project I built a U-Net based FCNN (Fully Convolutional Neural Net) architecture for Semantic Segmentation of the Satellite image to classify all the pixels into the specified number of categories.
I also manually labelled the given Satellite Images for the training process as ISRO did not provide any ground truth dataset and also the provided dataset was unique (Image having an IR channel and no Blue channel).
Currently the Project is still under developement and the PoC (Proof of Concept) is made available on GitHub which classifies all the water bodies in the given Satellite image.

This is a Machine Learning based Tinder Matchmaker made using Tensorflow and Python.

This project was inspired by the YouTube channel Code Drip who implemented a Tinder Bot which liked everyone who popped up in the Tinder feed.
This project was done by me independently for fun in my 4th semester.
I made a Tinder-Bot in Python using Selenium Webdriver and made the functionalities of liking, disliking and completely Automated Login into my Tinder account and made and trained a Machine Learning model to predict if the person in the feed is male or female (or None, as some people dont keep any profile picture) and the preferred type of person is automatically liked and others are disliked.
In this whole process, all the Tinder Profile Pictures are collected and saved locally on my computer database.

This project focused on building an operational 8-bit Microcomputer in Von Neumann Architechture using Verilog HDL.

This project was inspired by the efforts of Ben Eater to build an 8-bit computer on a breadboard.
Even though this one was not built on a breadboard, it has the functionalities of his computer and modelled using Verilog HDL and can be implemented on an FPGA. This was developed for the Mini Project in Digital Systems course in my 3rd semester at IIT Palakkad. Along with the model of the computer in Verilog, I had developed a custom set of instruction in Assembly Language and a custom Assembler in Python 3.
It has been evaluated on an FPGA as a part of the course EE2080 : Microprocessor Systems Design and Interfacing in my 4th semester.

The ATM Project was built purely in C initially and later it was integrated with RSA encryption technique using Python 3.

This project of building a model of an ATM machine software was done in my 2nd semester as a part of the course CS1020 : Introduction to Programming. This project was introduced to us as an example project (Hence very simple). But I decided to make my own model a little bit more applicable in real life and thus came up with this code. It used to store all the login details of the authority and the customer details as well as passwords in text files using pre-defined formats. So, to make it more robust and actually deployable in an ATM machine, I integrated the RSA encryption algorithm in this project using Python 3. Now everything stays encrypted always.

Project Robotic Arm was an amature project that I did in my 1st semester at IIT Palakkad along with my group of 5.

I was responsible for implementing the claw system in the robotic arm and the torque delivery system in the joints of the robot to grab and move objects.
We had to design a Robotic Arm to grab and move an egg from one table and place it on another table placed at 90 degrees w.r.t. the 1st table.

Webpage Designing in HTML5, CSS3 and elementary Javascript.

This project is another example of my amature projects. This project was done before joining my Collage and after finishing my High School. I learned HTML5 and CSS within a very short period of time and coded this webpage in Notepad (It was Windows 7 and I didn't know anything more than 'Hello World' in Programming).

Coming Soon.

Coming Soon, stay tuned for updates.